Jan 26, 2011

Angry Terminal

Last night I got the idea that using different colors in shell prompt to tell the user about the result of last command executed, e.g. red for failed execution and green for success.

It's really easy to do that in the ultimate shell, all I need is a function and a prompt using it:

function prompt_base_color() {
if [[ $? == "0" ]]; then
echo $PR_GREEN
echo "$PR_RED"

PROMPT='$PR_SET_CHARSET$PR_STITLE${(e)PR_TITLEBAR}$(prompt_base_color)%D{%H:%M} $PR_GREEN%~ $PR_RED$(git_prompt_info)$PR_NO_COLOUR'
It make your terminal look like this:

Then I realized I can go one step further to help terminal express her feeling, I always feel she is angry with me.

So I changed the function a bit, like this:

function prompt_base_color() {
if [[ $? == "0" ]]; then
echo $PR_GREEN
txt=`cat ~/.zsh/my_ass.txt`
echo "$txt\n$PR_RED"
And put the feeling in a file by `cowsay My ASS > ~/.zsh/my_ass.txt`.

Now Miss Terminal can tell me what she thinks when I do something wrong!