Mar 27, 2009

Bidirectional many-to-many relationship in ActiveRecord

Bidirectional many-to-many relationship is a common pattern in design, like friendships between users, memberships between users and groups, etc. In this article I'll illustrate how to implement such a relationship in ActiveRecord/Rails.

Let's start with a little context. Suppose we want to add the populer 'friends' feature for our users, we already have User model, what we need is a join table 'friendships' to connect users.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

class CreateFriendships < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :friendships, :id => false do |t|
t.integer :left_user_id
t.integer :right_user_id

def self.down
drop_table :friendships

The behavior we want, can be written like this:

test "should has many friends" do
users(:quentin).friends << users(:aaron)
assert_equal 1, users(:quentin).friends.reload.count

Of course the test is failed when we run it now. After reading our requirements we decide to use has_and_belongs_to_many (habtm) in ActiveRecord because it is enough for now, so we modify our User model like this:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :friends, :join_table => 'friendships',
:foreign_key => 'left_user_id', :association_foreign_key => 'right_user_id',
:class_name => 'User'

Now run our test, passed, perfect! We can leave office and enjoy *fill whatever you like* now.

"Wait", your brilliant colleague says, and add one line to your unit test:

test "should has many friends" do
users(:quentin).friends << users(:aaron)
assert_equal 1, users(:quentin).friends.reload.count
assert_equal 1, users(:aaron).friends.reload.count

He runs the test again and it failed. It's unfair if quentin treat aaron as his friend but aaron doesn't do the same to quentin, isn't it? To fix this problem we need to custom insert and delete sql for the habtm relationship:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :friends, :join_table => 'friendships',
:foreign_key => 'left_user_id', :association_foreign_key => 'right_user_id',
:class_name => 'User',
:insert_sql => 'insert into friendships (`left_user_id`, `right_user_id`) values
(#{id}, #{}), (#{}, #{id})',
:delete_sql => 'delete from friendships where (left_user_id = #{id} and right_user_id
= #{}) or (left_user_id = #{} and right_user_id = #{id})'

What we do here, is to add two friendship records (both direction) when we add a user to another's friends set. We do the same when delete a user from one's friends set. We rerun the test and it passes as we expected.

Note the ":id => false" argument when we create the join table 'friendships', without it you'll have troubles when loading friends objects. I think this is a long history bug of ActiveRecord, I don't know why it is not fixed. If you really want to keep the 'id' field and use habtm at the same time, a workaround is customize the finder_sql:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :friends, ...
:finder_sql => 'select users.* from friendships left outer join users on
friendships.right_user_id = where friendships.left_user_id = #{id}'

The bidirectional habtm we build here, is in fact a self-referential bidirectional relationship, it relates models to the same type of models (users to users). What will happen if the relationship is NOT self referential?

In that case we should not use habtm, otherwise our (at least my) brain will be burned by the complicated sqls it brings. Don't waste time on those sqls, ActiveRecord provides another way to build many-to-many relationship: has_many :through

So one day the boss comes to you and asks, "Can we group our friends? I want to put Gates in group Evil and Male, and Linus in group Minix and Antarctic"

"Sure", you answered, how can you say No to your boss?

Now the many-to-many relationship is between groups and users, we need to modify User model, create a Group model and write a migration to modify friendships table. Since we'll use has_many :through for this requirement, we also need a model for the join table 'friendships':

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :groups

class CreateGroups < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :groups do |t|
t.string :name
t.integer :user_id

def self.down
drop_table :groups

class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :friendships
has_many :friends, :through => :friendships

class RemodelFriendships < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
remove_column :friendships, :left_user_id
rename_column :friendships, :right_user_id, :friend_id
change_column :friendships, :group_id, :integer, :null => false

def self.down
change_column :friendships, :group_id, :integer, :null => true
rename_column :friendships, :friend_id, :right_user_id
add_column :friendships, :left_user_id
# execute "..."

class Friendship < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :group
belongs_to :friend, :class_name => 'User'
validates_uniqueness_of :friend_id, :scope => :group_id

Pretty good, it works. But we have the same problem when we use habtm, the relationship is not bidirectional. How can we fix it?

ActiveRecord allow you to extend the association proxy when use has_many :through, the solution here is to override the proxy's default CRUD methods. Let's create a new file lib/bidirection.rb:

module Bidirection
def <<(friend)
Friendship.create :group_id =>, :friend_id =>

[:delete, :destroy].each {|m|
define_method(m) {|friends|
friends = [friends] unless friends.instance_of?(Array)
friends.each {|friend|
Friendship.first(:conditions => {:group_id =>, :friend_id =>}).try m


Then enhance our has_many :through with it:

class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :friends, :through => :friendships, :extend => Bidirection

That's it, you have bidirectional many-to-many relationship between groups and users now. For convinient you can create a default group when create user (use before_create hook), and delegate friends and friends= methods in User model to user's default group, in that way you get the self-referential bidirectional many-to-many relationship betweent users back, as we have when using habtm.

Mar 19, 2009

ActiveRecord and DataMapper

I jumped into a merb project about 1 month ago, it's really an interesting trip. Working in both frameworks make pros and cons crystal clear to see. Here I'll try to remember some of those I found on the different ORM they use, thus ActiveRecord vs DataMapper.

* Schema Definition

ActiveRecord keep all schema definitions in migration files, while DataMapper store most of them in model source code. I prefer DataMapper's way, so you won't need plugins like annotate_models any more. Do you use annotate_models in your rails project?

However, keep model schema in model source code brings more complexity, because sometimes you have tasks which are better written in a migration file instead of model source file. So DataMapper has seperate migrations too, and merb provides more migration rake tasks than rails.

* Many-to-Many Relationships Through Scoped Join Model

Sorry for my poor description, this ticket illustrates the problem well. I don't know why this bug won't be fixed in ActiveRecord - below code works well in DataMapper.

has n, :bookmarks, :through => :subscriptions, :conditions => "subscriptions.notification = 'f'"

* scope

ActiveRecord introduced named_scope in since 2.x (can't remember), and add dynamic scope (scope_by_xxx like dynamic finder find_by_xxx) in the latest 2.3 release, so now you can chain up many dynamic scopes, named scope and find now. That's really cool, but why we need two seperate finders, find and scope?

In DataMapper, "find" and "scope" is unified. You can do this

class Zoo
# all the keys and property setup here
all(:open => true)
def self.big
all(:animal_count.gte => 1000)

big_open_zoos =

As you can see, the finder #all is able to be chained up or used independently, smart. And I like tye syntax all(:open => true) than find_all_by_open(true): hash can be auto complete by editors while '_' can not, hash param doesn't require dynamic tricks while find_xxx need. Sometimes I feel rails takes too many cares to his baby programmers, sometimes I feel merb takes too little (not in this case, of course).

* Inheritance vs Include

ActiveRecord model is required to inherit from ActiveRecord::Base, while DataMapper model need to include DataMapper::Resource. Composition is better than inheritance, though module inclusion is in fact inheritance in Ruby.

* Finally

I didn't realize all the things I written down are votes for DataMapper until I write this sentence .. I want to say ActiveRecord is an excellent ORM framework too, at least it's more mature than DataMapper, I enjoy it at most of the time, it just doesn't work in some few case (I really hope the many-to-many relationship through scope join model problem can be fixed, it's a common pattern I've seen it serveral times). The good news is by Rails and Merb merge, rails will become super flexible and you'll be able to switch between ORMs in Rails 3 easily.

Mar 11, 2009

The problem is

"As is often the case when proving things about programming languages, the tricky part here is formulating a precise statement to be proved—the proof itself should be straightforward." - TAPL, pierce

In schools students are always given clearly defined, already formalized questions, I think that's why the students feel uncomfortable when they come to the real world. I should spend more time on the mathematical modeling class when I was in university :(